Second Amendment Preservation Act of Missouri

  • von: Thomas Taylor
  • empfänger: State of Missouri House, Senate and Governor

Be it that the right to preserve life is given by God and not a privilege granted by government, freemen everywhere not only have the duty but obligation to bear arms. 

Constitutional governments with an armed citizenry are not only instituted by man to protect man from man but also from the very government they originally established.

The final check and balance to our constitutional republic in the great state of Missouri is a citizenry that is at parity with any armed forces foreign or domestic.  

The right to bear arms is not about duck hunting, it is not even about any criminal element in society but about foreign or domestic powers that want to strip us of our God given duties and responsibilities to our fellow man of preserving life and liberty.

Gun “free” zones have proven to be killing fields for lunatics and government sanctioned drug addicts need to be eliminated. Conceal and carry “permits” transform God given rights into mere privileges government is not authorized to hand out also need to be corrected.   Finally, tax on ammunition is just another way of chipping away at our freedom.

Therefore we the following support Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act House Bill 436 and Senate Bill 325.

This petition and your participation is more important that you will ever know. This petition is not just a battle about the 2nd Amendment but the 10th and 4th Amendments also.

Our Bill of Rights is at stake and so to our Republic.

Go to for action steps.

Go to to keep up on what is happening with this legislation.

Please spread the word, call radio talk shows and get more people to sign the petition and contact your representatives.

In God We Trust,

Thomas Taylor

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